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José Furst

José Furst

Head ISV Development, Service Providers, Zoom

José Furst is responsible for the development of Zoom ISV business for service providers worldwide since November 2022.

Prior to joining Zoom, José led the development of the cloud business for Ingram Micro Cloud in Latin America and Growth Markets, where he managed to build the cloud operation, and launched Cloud Marketplaces in multiple countries. 

Before joining Ingram, José led the marketing and channels organization for Unify and also spent ten years working for Cisco on a variety of sales functions related to service providers in Latin America.

José Furst graduated in engineering from ITA – Instituto Tecnológico de Aeronáutica, in São José dos Campos, Brazil - and obtained a Master’s degree in Aerospace Technology from ENSAE – École Nationale Supérieure de l’Aéronautique et de l’Espace, in Toulouse, France.
