Remote Team Solutions Focuses on Building Great Teams for Great Companies helping companies save more than 60% on employee wage and benefit costs while eliminating the time and resource burden of active employee management and reducing employee turnover rate.
We believe in people and contributing to their lives at Remote Team Solutions. That's why we build a great workplace where we ensure all the talented staff is motivated, happy, doing a great job, and well remunerated. It's fantastic to see people's lives being changed while we are helping our customers save money and have a world-class team. Seeing how our USA clients from the other companies needed to hire big teams for their growing business but didn't have the budget, time, or talent, we got together to see how to help them. They wanted to offshore their teams, but they demanded the same time zone, same culture, and high-quality motivated talent with a low turnover rate, and they didn't want to have to fly for more than 15 hours in case they needed to see their team or bring a team member to their offices. They wanted a company that would treat their staff like they would do. After several meetings and research, we decided that Mexico was the place to have their teams, and we went on to try to find a company that could do this for them. After a long search for the right company, we discovered that none met the demands, so we decided to help them and start our own company, Remote Team Solutions. We started with just a few customers from our other businesses and quickly started growing.
9450 SW Gemini Dr.Suite 33600
Beaverton, Oregon
United States