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Sep 18, 2024

Simplify B2B Processes and Operations Within Your Digital Catalog | DCatalog

DCatalog Digital Publishing Solutions

With DCatalog, you can transform your static B2B catalog into an interactive digital flipbook that elevates engagement and boosts sales. Here’s how:

  1. Easy Upload: Upload your existing PDF catalog directly to DCatalog’s platform.
  2. Interactive Features: Add interactive elements like embedded videos, clickable links, and product information pop-ups. Automatically link SKUs to product landing pages or Quote Request pop-up.
  3. Dynamic Content: Customize and update your catalog in real-time without needing to reprint or redistribute.
  4. Analytics: Track user behavior with in-depth analytics, including product views, clicks, and conversion rates.
  5. Enhanced Distribution: Share your digital catalog across multiple channels—via email, social media, and your website—making it accessible to a wider audience.
  6. Mobile-Friendly: DCatalog ensures your flipbook is optimized for all devices, from desktops to smartphones.